How to file RTI Military Engineer Services (MES) Department Garrison Engineer (GE) West to know the project details and work time extensions granted to contractors/companies/agencies?


The Public Information Officer (PIO)

Military Engineer Services (MES) Department

Garrison Engineer (GE) West

Agra Uttar Pradesh

Subject: Request for Information under the Right to Information Act, 2005

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request information under the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005. I seek specific details regarding the work time extensions granted to contractors/companies/agencies by the Military Engineer Services (MES) department, Garrison Engineer (GE) West, between June 2021 and 30th December 2022, along with the reasons for such time extensions, the duration of the extensions, and the names of the projects involved. I kindly request the following information:

List of all projects under the purview of the Military Engineer Services, Garrison Engineer (GE) West, that were ongoing between June 2021 and 30th December 2022

  1. For each project mentioned in point 1, please provide the following details for the work time extensions granted to contractors/companies/agencies:
    1. Name of the project.
    2. Name of the contractor/company/agency involved.
    3. The base project completion date before the extension time was granted.
    4. The extended project completion date after the time extension was granted.
    5. The reason(s) cited by the MES, GE West, for granting the time extension.
    6. The number of days by which the project completion time was extended.

I request the information in a structured format or electronically via email (, if possible, to expedite the process and reduce the use of paper.

Please provide the information in a written format or electronic form, as per the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005, within 30 days from the receipt of this application. If any part of the requested information is exempted from disclosure under the Act, please provide the relevant section of the Act that justifies the exemption.

I hope for a timely and comprehensive response to my queries as per the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005. I assure you that the requested information will be used solely for public awareness purposes.

I am enclosing the required application fee as per the RTI guidelines. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this application and communicate further procedures, if any, to obtain the requested information.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


RTI Lawyer Expert Team


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